Guerilla Gardening

As well as brightening the Bungo through clean-up days and events, the Society is interested in physically improving the green spaces used by all the community. We’ve had a one-man hedge-cutting team operating for a while and keeping hedges in check does make a massive difference to narrow streets but we’d like to do more.

This is one job the committee can’t do alone, however getting involved doesn’t need to be a big commitment.

Here’s some of the things the Society are considering:

  • Community gardening evenings – removing weeds in the back lanes and verges/ railway embankments
  • Adopting the hard landscaped planter on Nithsdale Rd near Moray Place
  • Encouraging residents to put out window boxes and planters
  • Cutting back overgrown hedges and trees

We can’t embark on any of this without knowing we have a team of interested volunteers, so what do you think? Fancy spending a few evenings weeding and planting over the next few months? Get in touch via the comments, the contact us form or email


  1. Dee

    I’d be happy to help later in the year, but as you know, I’ve got more than a handfull with my building’s “garden” (i.e. untamed wilderness). BTW, does anyone have a rechargable battery powered saw I can borrow? Actually, any non-fragile, aggressive tools would come in handy. Pointy tipped shovels, heavy duty rakes…? I have trees growing out of the walls and next to the building’s foundations that need to DIIIIIIE and there’s some major re-grading that needs to be done before any thought can be given to making it pretty.

    • Laura Moodie

      Hi Dee, doubt the garden crew will get much done until after BITBL at least. You are welcome to come rummage in our allotment shed for tools. We also have a magic mattock which is the perfect tool for tough jobs like digging out tree stumps. It’s like a giant pick-axe. We also have an old, blunt hoe that needs a new home.

  2. Dee

    Oh yeah. It’s an untamed wilderness that’s been doubling as a garbage dump and party site for who-knows-who. Sigh.

  3. Dee

    @Laura Moodie
    Yay! Thanks. I’ll call.

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