Groundworks bills

Anyone want to share thoughts on the communication – or lack thereof, the use of Gross Annual Values, anyone else being charged for two properties when they clearly only own one? Etc, etc


  1. Ben

    It’s a real pity no one has picked up on this… it’s now becoming apparent that people are being charged wildly different amounts when they live in comparable properties. And what work was actually carried out. Is there a way to compare bills? Is this something the Society could co-ordinate?

    • Laura Moodie

      Hi Ben

      There was some discussion on this at the Bungo meeting last night. It’s a tricky one as without direct comparison between different households we can’t work out what has happened and why and we haven’t had enough people comparing notes to get to the bottom of it. The Society are writing to our city councillors this week to raise a number of issues, including this one, and to invite them to the AGM in October. I’d urge anyone with concerns to contact all our city councillors directly as well as the contacts listed on the letters you have received.

  2. steveb

    Thanks Laura. It’s actually quite easy to get people sharing methinks.
    That’s how we know already how much varience there is. 😉
    Perhaps the Society could ask who would like to share their bill details. At least that might give us more information from a wider group of people.

    • Laura Moodie

      The Society would be happy to see anyone’s bill details – I suspect this will be the first question all our city councillors will ask anyway. They can be emailed to me at I’d also be interested to know what, if any, response there has been from the Council when queries have been raised. Any explanations? Any info on what data was used?

  3. Laura Moodie

    After speaking to one of our City Councillors earlier this week, Cllr MacLeod has made it clear he would be happy to raise a question on this issue for residents but needs to do so on a specific example. He can’t make a general query dues to data protection. If residents in similar properties can contact him with evidence of differing bills he will then query that specific issue. Hopefully the resolution to that case will reveal if there is an underlying problem in the unit assessment process and mean that it can be fixed.

  4. steveb

    Thanks Laura. Scott MacKay and myself met with Nicola Sturgeon last week who is now seeking clarification on a number of issues. Not least we are challenging the apparently ‘equitable and fair’ way the Council considers it has apportioned costs. Our bill for a full 3 storey property is £2k more than Scott and Laura’s for example.

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