Govanhill Voices

Govanhill Voices is a new community singing project started this year by song leaders Harry Campbell and Jane Bentley, originally to sing in the Streetland festival in May 2012. The group performed for the first time at the Streetland festival on Friday 4 May, and are continuing to meet on Thursdays at the Govanhill Neighbourhood Centre, 6 Daisy Street G42 8JL from 7.30–9.15pm. Why not come along?

It doesn’t matter if you think you can’t sing, this is about bringing together adults from all backgrounds and nationalities to have fun singing together. We sing songs from around the world in easy harmony with some drumming. No experience or training is needed and there’s no charge.

You can contact us at or 07947 737187. As well as the mailing list we have a page on the Streetland website at  and we’re on Facebook and Twitter (@GovanhillVoices); we have some pictures starting to appear at and videos at


  1. Harry Campbell (Govanhill Voices)

    Hi from Govanhill Voices. Unfortunately that is a picture of the Partick-based group Voicebeat. You can find some pictures of us on our website at Feel free to choose one and put it up here if you’d like to. Best wishes

  2. Laura Moodie

    Oops! Sorry, Harry. I’ve updated the image with one of Govanhill Voices in Govanhill Pool.

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