I’m not sure I want to alarm people, or maybe even make false accusations, but I think I disturbed two guys who looked like they were about to dig up the faience rope edging from our front garden. The men were in and out the front garden, checking the border edging and returned from an unmarked white van with a spade. When challenged they said was I not getting work done by McQuorquadales and then said is this not Regent Park Sq? It being Queen Square, I said no, they needed the next street and they said oh we must’ve got the wrong address.
Queen Square
Following on from your comments and keeping the gardening theme, related or not, someone attempted to break into our house through the front door, using a hand fork to break the glazed section of the door, on Thursday, May 24th. Although they did manage to cause a lot of damage to the door, they did not actually manage to get in.
Regent Park Square
Again not wanting to alarm people just wanting to make people aware.
Following on your comments there has been some incidents in Thorncliffe Gardens. 14 or 15th August a tall, skinny, 30ish man, dirty blonde hair or even streaked, white tracksuit – jumping over garden wall and then pretending he’s visiting. About a week later actually got into the house whilst the owner was working in the garden, they heard a noise inside and was confronted with the same man wondering if his mate stayed here. No one was hurt but very shaken by the incident. Following this incident the police visited the homeless hostels looking for the man but no success. The man appears to be under the influence of drink/drugs or as the police put it “junkified out his face”.
Last week police were in our neighbours garden looking for someone/something?
2 nights ago a neighbour spotted 2 men looking in car windows again sounded like our man. So be vigilant – if you think you have seen this man or had any dealings with him phone the police on 0141 532 4900 (Aikenhead Road).