Glasgow City Council is carrying out a slighty-worryingly-titled “dog fouling initiative” in our ward just now.

Some householders may have received a letter and flyer but for those who haven’t, the initiative means the Council will be stepping up enforcement activity in the area.

Enforcement officers will be “actively” monitoring the area for dog fouling offenders and issuing on-the-spot fines of £40. They will also be making more use of CCTV and are encouraging residents to call the Clean Glasgow hotline to report dog fouling in their area, particularly if they can identify the owner.

The hotline number is 0800 027 7027

or email

or write (evidently on a very large envelope) to:

Clean Glasgow, Public Relations and Marketing, CEO’s Office, GCC, Room 2, City Chambers, George Square, Glasgow, G2 1DU.

It may be churlish to point out that the address is for PR and Marketing and there’s an election coming up…but as my nursery run is also fondly known as “the dog poo buggy slalom”, it’s good to see some attempt to sort out the problem.