What a superb day with something for everyone who came along! A wonderful relaxed festival atmosphere was generated by the sunshine, the music and a very mixed crowd. The variety of stalls from residents and local businesses was really impressive; and, as always, resident’s stalls, impromptu performance and happenings made the day. Lots of fun!
Our Children’s Garden in Lane 1 and Sports Activities in Lane 5 were extremely popular. A big ‘thank you’ to Merry-go-Round for hosting the former and Glasgow Sport for providing coaches and equipment for the latter. It was great to see so many families out enjoying themselves!
We were delighted with the attendance at the event of some of our local Councillors and MP’s and really appreciate their support. We are also very grateful for the grant funding from Glasgow City Council that enables us to run this event – thanks to them too.
A huge thank you to all the volunteers who gave so much time to help set up and clear away the event, were stewards or helped run the Society Stalls. Also to all the residents who came out on the day either to set up their own stalls or participate in making the day a great success. Strathbungo really knows how to make community!
Look out for a full roundup of the day in the Autumn Newsletter!
The work of the Society will resume in August – see Blog for dates.
Have a fantastic summer!
Chair, The Strathbungo Society
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