Category: General (Page 14 of 37)

Pollokshaws Road bus stops upgrade

There are plans afoot to introduce bus stop enhancements in various parts of the city, including the key route along Pollokshaws Rd.

The stated aim is to provide a reliable, safe and high-quality bus service. Providing a high-quality waiting environment at bus stops is seen as a key factor in achieving this aim.

Included in the enhancement scheme are the following bus stops in and around Strathbungo:

1. Pollokshaws Road, north of Albert Drive
2. Pollokshaws Road, south of Kingarth Street
3. Pollokshaws Road, south of Torrisdale Street
4. Pollokshaws Road, south of Nithsdale Road
5. Pollokshaws Road, north of Langside Avenue

The work involves upgrading the existing bus stop clearway and installing high-access kerbs. The consultation ended yesterday and involved posters being placed at the bus stops affected and a letter drop in the immediate vicinity of the stop where required (although the writer of this post lives close to one stop and did not receive a letter).

From the sound of things, the aim is to mimic the improved bus stops on Paisley Road West, although this is a quieter and wider road than Pollokshaws. Perhaps it might also limit the perennial problem of potholes at well-used stops!

Strathbungo Society Monthly Meeting‏

The Strathbungo Society committee meets on the third Monday of every month at Grianach cafe, 38 Nithsdale Road.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 18 February.

The meeting is open to all, so please come along. If you are unable to attend and wish to be involved with the work of the Strathbungo Society keep up to date with all the goings on via or via our Facebook page.

Friends Of Queens Park

A new group has recently been established to bring together people interested in improving and protecting Queens Park. Made up of community organisers already involved in the Community Council and Queens Park Arena, they’re looking for new volunteers and members. If you want to get involved, contact Tony Halifax via the Shawlands and Strathbungo Community Council Facebook page.

The Queens Park Arena steering group is also keen to draw in new members and supporters. Their AGM is planned for 20th March. We’ll update the blog with details, or get in touch with the Society at and we will pass on email contact details.

Mine Workings = Free Energy?

Oh, the irony… Last Spring, while our mine workings were being filled, I’d heard there was an idea being formulated to use the many abandoned mine workings to provide geothermal energy. At the time it seemed rather fanciful but it looks like it could be a viable option, providing the ability to meet many of the energy needs of cities like Glasgow. The BBC are reporting on the story today.

Community Engagement and Empowerment Bill

Following the Strathbungo Society’s  submission to the proposed Bill (for background see bungo blog 31st December) an analysis of the responses was published at the beginning of January 

 The Report  is described as an independent analysis of all 447 responses to the proposals.   Unfortunately, the consultants – or was it the commissioning editors in the Government? – have taken a narrow view of their task and appear to have confined their analysis to the responses to the questions asked.   While the stated intention of the Bill is “to strengthen opportunities for communities to take independent action to achieve their own goals” the actual questions asked were quite restricted in scope.   In the Strathbungo Society response therefore we tried to raise some fundamental questions about the scope of the Bill – for example, whether it could empower communities like ours to require organisations like Network Rail to do things beneficial to the area, in our case things like maintaining the pedestrian bridge and managing the vegetatation on the railway embankment to enhance our environment.   These points appear to have been totally ignored in the consultation summary.     

 The Bill has been heralded by some as a means of giving urban communities some of the rights that rural communities have under the Land Reform Act, including purchase of property which is up for sale.  This is by no means simple as is illustrated by the current attempts by the community in Durness, Sutherland,  to buy the land at Cape Wrath, which is owned by the Lighthouse Board but which is wanted by the Ministry of Defence for military training purposes.   However, in terms of the Community Engagement and Empowerment Bill, this report just confirms that a very narrow view of empowerment is being taken which basically conflicts with its stated intention and limits the scope of the Bill to giving Local Communities more power in relation to Local Authorities – even though Local Authorities are one of the few public authorities that local communities can influence through the electoral process.   This seems a missed opportunity.

Due to its focus on Local Authorities, the consultation asked a fair number of very technical questions and not surprisingly this has provoked a wide range and variety of answers and views .    I found it very hard to conclude much from the summary and this means it is very hard at this stage to see how the consultation might inform the drafting of the proposed Bill.  The draft Bill is due to be issued for further consultation in the summer – more on the Blog then.

From a Strathbungo perspective, the Society is quoted in the body of the report, which could  – somewhat stretching the point as it is unclear how many people read these things – be claimed as good publicity.   Unfortunately, the quote is  credited with supporting and saying  something  it doesn’t.   The Strathbungo chairperson,   Laura Moodie, has written to the Bill Team at the Scottish Government to correct this but for anyone who is interested the quote is on P75 paragraph 4.64 and our actual response is at Community Engagement and Empowerment Bill Final Response    On the local front, while Glasgow City Council and NHS Glasgow and Clyde  responded it is interesting that the Glasgow Community Planning Partnership, which is meant to co-ordinate planning by Public Authorities  in each Local Authority area, did not. .  Its hard not to draw conclusions!

Old Painting of Strathbungo

I have added a painting of the old Strathbungo village in the 1820′s to the web page.

Many thanks to Donald Watson for letting me know about it.


The painting is intriguing because the artist used two different positions to capture the final scene.

The foreground view is looking north-west from a spot near the entrance to Queens Park at Balvicar Drive.

The background panoramic view of the city is looking north-east from the summit of Camphill, near the present day Queen’s Park flagpole.

In his first position, the artist was looking over the village of Strathbungo (or Marchtown), seeing the same buildings shown in the old maps, with the tall chimney of the Titwood Brick and Tile Works in the centre of the picture, and the original church at the edge of the village to the right.

Here is a composite image of the 1820 painting overlaid with 2013 photographs taken from the top and bottom of the hill.

The photographs matched the painting almost perfectly, even after a period of 190 years!

You’ll recognise the viewpoints of the two photographs, the next time you’re in the park.


Any more contributions, suggestions or  corrections to the web page would be be very welcome.


Brighter Bungo Clear Up – this SUNDAY 20th January 11am-1pm

It’s that time of year again – dig out your wellies and waterproofs and get together with your neighbours to give the streets and back lanes an early spring clean.

Our Brighter Bungo volunteers will be meeting this Sunday 20th Jan between 11am and 1pm at the corner of Nithsdale Rd and Moray Place to start a fresh quarterly clear up.

If you can make it do come along at any point to don hi-vis vest, protective gloves and pick up a litter picker. All ages welcome. Whatever we gather will be collected by the City Council’s Clean Glasgow team and taken away.

Beginners’ Tai Chi starts again today (Monday, 14 Jan.)

Tai’ Chi is a Chinese exercise regimen that improves strength, balance, posture and concentration. It has two components: a defined set of movements, or form, and push hands, which is done with a partner.

Tai’ Chi was first developed as training for the martial arts, a type of shadow boxing. Today, it’s a an art and a discipline in and of itself. Tai’ Chi is zero impact and is safe and beneficial for people of all ages.

Strathbungo Tai Chi:

  • Starting Monday, 14th January
  • 7.30pm – 9.30pm
  • Queens Park Church Of Scotland (170 Queens Drive)
  • £6 waged / £4 unwaged

The classes will be taught by Glen Williams of Five Winds. He can be contacted at williams.glen (at) or at 07891760744.

For those who prefer a daytime class, there’s also this one:

  • Starting Wednesday 16th January
  • 10:00 am – 11:00 am
  • Toryglen Community Hall (199 Prospecthill Circus)
  • £3.50 per class

That class will also be taught by Glen. You can book a place on 0141 569 1031 or by e-mailing (at)

If you’re interested but can’t make it this week, it’s all right to start next week or possibly even the week after.

Bungo at the Bells – it’s on!

Bungo at the Bells, 2010-2011

Bungo At The Bells is tonight! Merry makers will meet up at the corners of Nithsdale Road / Morey Place and Vennard Gardens / Morey Place at 11:30 and converge on the corner of Queen’s Square and and Moray Place at 11:45.

Wrap up warm but, if the forecast is to be believed, the gale and rain will have blown through by midnight! See you there.

Community Empowerment and Renewal

The Scottish Government is developing proposals for legislation on community empowerment and renewal which in some ways mirror the land reform legislation which gave more power to rural communities:

“The proposed Community Empowerment and Renewal Bill will support communities to achieve their own goals and aspirations through taking independent action and by having their voices heard in the decisions that affect their area.”

The initial consultation on the proposed Bill took place between June and September but was given relatively little publicity. The Strathbungo Society only considered it at a late stage but thought it was important and submitted a response based on experiences of people living here.    Community Engagement and Empowerment Bill Final Response

Our response was one of over 400 responses which were due to be analysed in November but have not yet been published.   The website for this is at:

There will be further chances to comment on any draft legislation as it goes forward and the Strathbungo Society is keen to comment further on the process and get views of people living in the area.   We would welcome comments on the blog or you can send to – Nick has offered to co-ordinate comments and our contribution to this and to provide further updates on the blog.

While the Bill is potentially a radical measure which could help empower people, there are huge issues – not least of which is what is a community? – and it also appears to be in conflict with certain other national legislative trends (eg the constant pressure to speed up planning processes which has arguably given communities less power than ever and the increasing centralisation of budgets, with community councils left with no financial resources and therefore power).  We have tried to raise as many of these issues we could think of that might apply to Strathbungo in our response.  We have also tried to raise some questions of whether the Bill will help us address certain longstanding local issues, not least of which is whether the Bill  would give communities like ours more influence over how Network Rail maintains the railway.  If you have ideas about local issues which you think are best addressed at community level please let us know.

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