Bungo in the Back Lanes 2007

Bungo in the Back Lanes will be held on Saturday the 16th of June between 1pm and 4pm. Anyone is welcome to set up a stall and donations for the bottle stall and tombola are welcomed. Get in touch for more details.

Also, if you’re interested in setting up, taking down, selling raffle tickets, selling books, relieving a tired volunteer for an hour or anything else that you think would help, get in touch. It doesn’t have to be much, but every little helps make this the biggest and best event in Strathbungo.

View the map of this year’s event.

The event will go ahead even in the event of rain. All the bars and cafes are covered, so you won’t get wet while taking refreshments.


  1. Louise Galloway

    Hi how much is it to take a stall at Bungo in the Back Lanes, I make handmade jewellery, I live in Norham St Shawlands Louise

  2. Bungo Blog

    We ask for a 10% of takings donation from all stalls.

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