Building works Nithsdale Road

Perhaps members of the society are already aware of this and have passed it on, but it seems that we will be saddled with the charming building works at the east end of Nithsdale Road for another month. As a reward for their consideration in our neighbourhood, the aptly named Forkers have been offered the contract to carry out the repair work to the lanes, requiring continued use of their infernally bleeping diggers seven days a week.

If it is possible to salvage a silver lining from this situation, it is that Forkers will have to clean the windows in Nithsdale Road once they’ve finished (I’m guessing that this only applies to the outside and that the dust that has forced its way onto inner sills and into closes will revert to our jurisdiction) and those who would like to have their cars washed should make themselves known to the site manager, Willie, for him to arrange it.


  1. Dee

    Are they also going to clean every car parked within a 3 block radius? Because ours is filthy from the dust.

  2. R Nesbitt

    It wouldn’t hurt to ask, if only to make them aware of the extent of the chaos they have caused…

  3. Laura Moodie

    Thanks for this. I’ll certainly be asking for ours to be cleaned. I’d rather jumped to the conclusion that the batching plant going would mean it all went. Still, at least the dust isn’t being pumped out daily any more! Dee, they don’t really know who lives where so if you were to park it on Nithsdale and ask, I can’t imagine they’d object – it’s pretty easy to work out the cars in the area affected cos they are all covered in grime!

  4. R Nesbitt

    Good idea, Laura. I had also momentarily harboured the false hope that the end of the batching plant might mean an end to the early starts and infernal bleeping that have forced me out of my office and bedroom on the Nithsdale Road side for the past five months.

    This morning, I heard from a council representative overseeing the project that I’m the only local resident who has been in touch with him about the disruption caused and that ‘several residents have been kind enough to comment favourably on the way in which this contract has been conducted’. Can this really be true?

  5. Dee

    Eh, no big deal. Already got the car washed and will probably have to do it again after they close up shop. I was just being curmudgeonly. The dust really has gotten all over things further afield than Nithdale, though. Probably all that’s needed is a good rainstorm.

  6. Laura Moodie

    I was contacted by Donald Linn today to say that the site compound is now shrinking as only a site office is needed for the back lanes work (and one neighbour can now see out of her windows for the first time since October!).

    Phase 1 of the back lanes work will be a general cleanup and removal of silt and debris, which will allow them to assess which areas will benefit from lifting and relaying, and which areas can be safely left alone. They are also trying to source replacement setts for the areas that need patched. The week after Easter is proposed for the start.

    There has definitely been more than one resident addressing their concerns about the work both directly and via the Society. That said, there has also been praise for Forkers as well, including on the consultation questionnaires.

  7. R Nesbitt

    It’s true that the compound is shrinking, but the high-pitched noise of the diggers (which has been the most invasive part of the process, causing me to evacuate my office and bedroom at the front of the flat and decamp to the back) sadly continues and looks set to do so for another month.

    When it comes to feedback, I can honestly say that the works have proven seriously detrimental to my quality of life – I have even felt compelled to take up smoking, to deal with the stress of it all.

    Does anyone know whether the broken window at the hairdressers in Nithdsdale Road, which the police seemed to be investigating this evening, has anything to do with the works?

  8. JM

    I have complained, so you are not alone…..
    I am just glad to have some daylight back, although the monstrously dirty windows prevent much light entering the room…Also my dyson has seized up with the dirt which has permeated the walls ….
    I will not be sorry to see it all go. Hopefully the new improved back lanes will be a consolation prize for us all putting up with the works.
    I notice, however that Nithsdale Rd residents didn’t get consultation questionnaires…..

    • Laura Moodie

      Only those who have a back lane in the remit of the proposed works got a questionnaire, so residents on the South side of Nithsdale Rd all got one (I know because we delivered them all by hand!)

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