I live at 4 Marywood Square. There is a sewage drain under the lane that runs down the side of my building. This drain has become broken and consequently the waste water has nowhere to go but to seep into my downstairs neighbour’s garden. As you can imagine this is not ideal. The water board have said it is the responsibility of whoever owns the lane to repair it. The land owner dept in the council have told me that the lanes are commonly owned but could not be more specific, although the chap suspected the owners would be all of Marywood and Queen Square. He said I would need the titles deeds to be sure who was responsible. Does anyone have easy access to their title deeds. Mine are deposited with the land registry. This problem requires urgent attention. My neighbour has already had a quote for the cose of repairs and it is approx £1,000. Not too bad when split between a number of residents.