Bins – The Beginning Of A Breakthrough?

Concerned residents and the Society will be meeting with Councillors and representatives of LES on Wednesday 6th June to walk the area and discuss the recurring problems with refuse collection.

The aim is to look at some pf the physical problems posed by the built environment and to agree a plan of action with the council to improve the situation. Before the meeting, the Society would like to put together a document which briefly covers the key problems raised with us, together with photographs if possible.

Issues already raised with us which we will include:

  • Bin arson on Thorncliffe Lane
  • Emptying of public bin on Moray Place at railway bridge
  • Bins left out in the lanes behind the Squares and/or being collected in one area, blocking access
  • Recycling bins left piled next to walls
  • Location of bins for business premises on Nithsdale Rd

Please get in touch via the comments section, contact us, or If you have photos that illustrate any of the above that would also be very helpful.


  1. Kevin

    Hi Laura. Acouple of thinhs:
    (i) Are all the seperate bins necessary – as I’m sure I saw this morning in the back lane /w Nithsdale and RPS a Coucnil van with mixed rubbish (green and brown)?
    (ii) Any chance of a small motorised pavement brusher to hoover up dust small debris in the lanes a couple of times a year – esp. before BitBL?
    (iii) My vote for future of Nithsdale is that the Farmer Market is located there – with all the bars an shops working off the bi-weekly event.

  2. Laura Moodie

    Hi Kevin, the meeting went well, despite the miserable weather.

    Residents can expect a letter reminding them of the calendar of pick up, useful numbers etc.

    For our part, residents should aim to keep bin out as little as possible and make sure all their bins are numbered. There was discussion of removing one bin, say the brown bins, but I’m not sure it would make a dramatic difference.

    The council is looking at moving to an Edinburgh-style system, something currently being trialed in Govanhill. It would mean big dumpster-type bins on the streets, taking up parking spaces, which would be emptied 3 times a week. Dougie Gellan from LES will also be coming to the August Strathbungo Society meeting on Monday 20th.

    Don’t think one of the motorised brushers could cope with the uneven surfaces but we can put it to Dougie in August.

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