Author: jimstirk

Free to a good home: tomato plants

We have 20 or so Gardeners Delight tomato plants if anyone local wants some. They’re all healthy, but in little pots and need re-potting. All left over from Bungo in the Back Lanes. Come and collect from Marywood Square before Wednesday….just give Jim a call on 07980708742.

Local children make own animations

Not an easy thing to do, animation can take years to make.  But many children who came along to the Spring Fling at Queens Park Parish Church on the 17th March took part in animation workshops led by local animator Jim Stirk of Red kite Animation studios in Edinburgh. The kids had only 1½ hrs to make cut-out animatable puppets and use computers and cameras to animate short films. They did great and their films are now on Red Kite’s workshop website for all to see for ever!! Well done film makers!

See the films on Red Kite’s site

Children's hands animating