Maybe this follows on quite well from all the cold weather we’ve been having … I’d love to know if anyone would be interested in generating our own green energy in Strathbungo? Wouldn’t it be great if some of the power going into our cold houses and heating our showers could be produced by us, in the streets we live in?

Has anyone ever looked into getting solar PV on their roof – plenty of sunshine across those south facing roofs! Or are there any options for starting a sustainable wood fuel group in the area? Would people be allowed to set up group to collect and burn sustainably managed wood in the city – or is this against smoke free zone rules?

I’ve set up a group on a site called energyshare – which aims to support community renewable energy projects and called it Strathbungo Greenies.  If you’re interested, and especially if you have ideas you’d like to throw into the mix, please do come and join the Strathbungo Greenies group – I’d love to find out what people think might be possible in Strathbungo.

For example – have a look at this film about a community pool heated by biomass (using local wood chips as fuel) Maybe an idea for the Govanhill baths? And this film of a BMX track using solar PV to help them light their track – to get an idea what can be done.

…. a small disclaimer too. I also work with the lovely folks at energyshare, which is where I got the idea! I’ve been speaking with lots of community groups and been inspired by what they’ve done to set up their own renewable energy projects, and thought if they can do it, maybe we can too.

If you’d like to talk some more, please do come join me and leave your comments in the Strathbungo Greenies group.