Author: allison hussain

Network Rail

A huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who came to the Committee Meeting on the 20th January – great that so many people are interested in being involved in resisting the proposals of Network Rail to ‘improve’ the line along Moray Place!  It was good to have so much input and ideas for how to move forward with this.  There will be an update meeting on Tues 3rd February 2015 7.30 – 8.30pm at McMillan’s – corner of Pollokshaws Rd/Titwood Rd.  Come along and take part in the campaign.  What Network Rail is doing affects us all!  If you can’t make the meeting, but want to be added to the e-mail list, please



This is a typical weldmesh fence

If you live along Moray Place, or at the top of any of the streets off it, along its length, you will have received a neighbour notification on the 8th January telling you that Network Rail intends to install a 1.8m high weldmesh fence. They give notice that the work will begin on the 23rd Feb. As part of the work they state that vegetation will be cleared as well. However, no details regarding the exact nature or scope of the work are given.

There has been no consultation with the community and interested parties, which is very disappointing, given the assurances that Network Rail gave way back in 2005 that they would do so, after protests from Strathbungo residents stopped them removing all vegetation from Moray Place to Crossmyloof. Many of you will have been involved in this and remember it.

The Strathbungo Society lodged formal objection to these works on the 9th January and wrote to Network Rail requesting a meeting, making a number of comments, and posing questions. See below for these.

In addition to our formal objections, we have also met with Nicola Sturgeon on the matter and she has brokered a meeting with Network Rail, which will take place tomorrow (16th Jan ) and which representatives of the Society will attend. All of our Councillors and MP have also been written to on the issue. Also, I know that many of you have lodged individual objections to the proposed works by Network Rail.

Network Rail has been invited to attend our Committee meeting on Tuesday 20th January, though they have still to confirm their attendance. Please come along to take part in the discussion on this issue and pose questions that you want answered. Here’s the agenda in pdf format and here are the minutes from the last Society meeting, also in pdf format.

If you cannot attend, but have any comments/questions, please contact:

Many thanks – and a happy new year to you all!


Chair, The Strathbungo Society

(click to view the Comments/Questions posed to Network Rail in a letter from the Strathbungo Society dated 10th January 2015)

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This morning a car crashed into no.41 Nithsdale Road. The council has said that the building structure is safe. It seems the driver thought he was in reverse but was actually in drive. Driver reported to be OK.


My neighbour has just warned me that she had an attempted break-in this week during broad daylight. I have heard of more than a few of these now and have infact called 101 more than once to report suspicious behaviour. Please, please pass the word round to all your neighbours and dial 101 to report ANYTHING that does not sit well with you. These people seem to be opportunists who strike during the day and grab whatever they can through a broken window. Please share.

Suspicious cyclist

On two occasions last night (14/4/13) at around 8pm, I noticed a suspicious cyclist hanging around the lanes between Nithsdale, Regent Park Square and Queens Square. At one point he was walking up RPS looking at houses, having left his bike (dark mountain bike) at the top of the street. He was wearing all dark clothing with his hood drawn almost completely over his face – only his eyes and nose were visable. I didn’t see him again after he realised that I was watching him.

As I didn’t see him doing anything untoward, I didn’t feel it worthy of calling the police however, bearing in mind the attack on a female on Saturday night and recent break-in, would ask that residents keep their eyes open.