Another Battle for Langside?

The Battle of Langside (13 May 1568) may be in line to be added to twenty eight sites that currently constitute Historic Scotland’s Inventory of  Scottish Battlefields.  Historic Scotland is consulting on eleven battlefield sites with Langside  the only one located in Glasgow.  To be successful each site must be able to demonstrate its national importance with key historical events or figures, or for its physical remains and/or archaeological potential.  Given that the battle took place in what is now Queen’s Park and that Mary Queen of Scots defeat led her to flee Scotland to the “protection” of her cousin Elizatheth I, one might think it should be able to win this battle.

Many local place names reflect Langside’s combatants – Moray Place, Regent Park Square and Queens Park, Square and Drive – and demonstrate the strong assocation with this historic event that took place 444 years ago.  Hopefully the Strathbungo Society, Community and City Councils will all work together to get the Battle of Langside duly recognised for its importance to Scottish history and thereby increase people’s understanding of the batle and its site nearby in Queen’s Park.

1 Comment

  1. Laura Moodie

    Wow – I’m amazed it’s not already recognised! Of course it should have historic status – I always think it’s a shame that the official memorial has pretty much become a roundabout and is very difficult to view up close.

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