A Local Shopping Wish List

It’s been hard to miss the speedy work being done to build the new Sainsbury’s Local store on Darnley Road. The construction is in the final stages and a lot of residents have been discussing the pros and cons of the new store opening and the impact on local businesses.

In fact, some residents have gone further than just discussing the issue and have written letters to Sainsbury’s to raise their concerns and suggest items the shop might stock and not stock!

Our small, local shops give the area a real buzz and unique atmosphere but almost everyone will use supermarkets for some if not most of their shopping – wouldn’t it be great if we could model our local supermarket to stock the items we otherwise travel out of the area to get?

I’ve attached a copy of the basic letter but everyone is bound to have a different wishlist of items, so if you want to try to influence the stock list, what have you got to lose? Now’s your chance! General Sainsburys list

The letter can be posted to the head office:

Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd
33 Holborn


  1. Jonathan Patrick

    I agree that the opening of a Sainsbury’s local shop on Darnley Road is an exciting new development. And while I agree that it can provide the opportunity to bring in new produce that we would otherwise have to leave the area to buy, I also think it will be provide some healthy competition to local traders some of whom need to refresh their shops, raise their levels of service and provide fresh and interesting produce at prices we can all afford. A new supermarket in the area is a win-win for everyone.

  2. Rosie

    Having a shop that will stock basic items that others in the area don’t has to be a good thing, and much better than having an empty site. Hopefully it will mean that commuters coming back from town can avoid Central Station premium prices for last minute purchases.

  3. Dee

    Sainsbury Basics soap and Scotch-Brite nonscratch sponge scourers with decorative patterns (these are actually a 3M product that I’ve never seen outside the US before and they are AWESOME). Those are the items I go to Sainbury’s for.

  4. Wilson Raphel

    You clearly have far too much time on your hands Laura as i’m sure it might have crossed people’s minds that asking Sainsbury’s local or any Supermarket local not to stock non-organic milk and any type of bread is quite simply a non starter.. You might as well tell them that we don’t like the colour orange and ask them to reconsider their name. I find it astounding that you took the time to come up with such a silly list of products you do not wish them to sell and so I find myself making this comment as I couldn’t believe what I was reading. Thankfully the comments section contains far more sense. Sainsbury’s local will be open until 10pm and therefore provides healthy competition and a place where I can buy my NON-Organic milk, heap bread and run of the mill biscuits.

    • Laura Moodie

      Glad you’ve saved yourself some time in your hectic schedule there by not sending the silly list, shame I can’t give you back the precious minutes spent reading it and replying. I’m pretty sure everyone has a different shopping list, I’m just hoping that if the Sainsbury’s down the street could stock a few of the regulars from mine it would save me the hour or two I spend every week going to a big supermarket – and I very much doubt it would be at the expense of heap bread and run-of-the-mill biscuits! Although, why anyone would choose to buy non-organic milk at a supermarket when it’s one of the items that is almost always significantly cheaper at a corner shop baffles me!

  5. Fiona MacKinnon

    I am very disappointed at the arrival of the Sainsbury store. Perhaps we all get bored of what is on offer and think something new will be more exciting…not necessarily so.

    This area has super shops as anyone who visits me from elsewhere remarks on. What is more they are shops with real roots in this community who provide a service while giving a living to Glasgwegians who have had the courage to set up businesses right here.

    Sainsbury will simply siphon money out of the area to corporate shareholders god knows where. They will aggressively try and kick out the small shops that we have relied on for years. Their staff will be low paid young people who will change constantly.

    I would urge people to avoid the Sainsbury and shop local. We are always claiming that we are a community and part of that is supporting local business – real people that we have known and chatted to for years. Do you really want to make their livelyhoods unsustainable ?

  6. Fiona MacKinnon

    Sainsbury Local will be premium price.

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